writing with light
When the photograph is a mirror of the man, and the man is a mirror of the world, then Spirit might take over.
Minor White
Minor White
Monday, November 01, 2010
Un inger...
...a zburat si a trecut. Dincolo de portile inseninate, unde timpul nu cunoaste masura, ne vom revedea candva. Pana atunci va fi in fiecare zambet si in fiecare imbratisare a zarilor mangaiate de razele zilelor.

Thursday, September 09, 2010
Uncovering the eons with bare hands
Hands fill our senses with space and shape, with the unseen, with the untouchable. They reach oneself out on to the others, bring shivers of feelings through the skin, the veins, down to the bones and up to one's mind and heart. They give never to ask back and receive only to remember when in solitude. They are the portrait that one's looking for in all arts. They are art. Hands feel, treasure and unveil time's writings as it flows through.
from the album Sultana Malul Rosu 2010 - A bridge over millenniums

from the album Sultana Malul Rosu 2010 - A bridge over millenniums

Thursday, September 02, 2010
Update - A bridge over milleniums
Over the coming days, I will keep updating the entire Sultana Malul Rosu project in my picasa album, that you can access here. This way you will be able to stay in touch with every change in the story as the moments get added by the day. Till it is finished and untill I will be able to offer a surprise to anyone interested - ;) - visit it from time to time...and feel free to leave your thoughts, here or there.

Thursday, August 26, 2010
A bridge over milleniums
Vacation is over and done, yet this comes with a sense of fulfillment and no regrets. I've been away on a more or less unexpected trip to a place that sits around and above other worlds and where the river of time is stuck somewhere around 6000 years before us. And there I had the honor of being part of a wonderful team of dedicated people that have built with the bare hands a bridge over this river. Which reminds me of what I was told when I was a kid: 'In life, one is really fulfilled when one planted a tree, built a house and started a family.'
A glimpse into the story that's about to take shape:
A glimpse into the story that's about to take shape:
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Monday, May 03, 2010
Sands of May
Remember that short story about that Romanian most east-southern place where you can find the almost perfect mixture of past, present and future? Well, while digging these days in the stash because of the 1st of May, this nice excuse for hitting the road and heading toward Dobrogea or the seaside and having good fun, I stumbled upon some other reasons for which setting camp on the sand and enjoying the Vama Veche spirit was really worth it.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Of cats and dogs in Bucharest
Bucharest is today full of cats and dogs. That's because it is raining cats and dogs. But it's not that typical summer rain which brings a bit of freshness in the boiling air and rises mist while the feet enjoy a brief relief in the coolness of the grass (i think I've seen this in a commercial, so no original picture here, unfortunately). Don't you miss that already?!...summer rain and puffy clouds? Oh, and the flashes from above.
Yes, I know...there's no cats, nor dogs in the photo. :)
Yes, I know...there's no cats, nor dogs in the photo. :)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Invitatie la Salonul Fotografic de Primavara 2010 - Calarasi
Miercuri, 17 martie, ora 13.30, va avea loc in foaierul Consiliului Judetean Calarasi vernisajul expozitiei de fotografie Salonul Fotografic de Primavara 2010. Expozitia este organizata de catre pasionati ai domeniului, Florin Radulescu, Razvan Eremia, Emanuel Tanase si Razvan Clondir, sub patroajul Muzeul Dunarii de Jos Calarasi. In cadrul manifestarii expun: Alecu Daniela, Ceausu Valentin, Cercel Dolores, Clondir Razvan, Constantin Simona, Craciun Corina Elena, Enache Marcian, Eremia Razvan, Florescu Andrei, Grosu Andrei, Juvina Ion Radu, Marinescu Alexandra, Micut Istrate Ilie, Musat Bogdan, Radu Alexandra, Raducanu Laurentiu, Radulescu Florin, Tanase Emanuel, Tudor Daniel. Expozitia va putea fi vizitata in perioada 17 martie - 8 aprilie.
Tinerii expozanti si organizatorii va asteapta la deschiderea expozitiei cu promisiunea unui parcurs vizual impresionant, desfasurat in peste 70 de imagini cu tema libera, in format mare.
"In lumina unei lentile stranii, nu stim ce resort declanseaza incremenirea. Vedem doar asternutul de fibra in luciu de apa si miros de fluide secrete"
Pentru detalii suplimentare:
Razvan Clondir: 0722353629
Florin Radulescu: 0745561121
Razvan Eremia: 0744661362
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Fishermen's realm
Music by Vangelis - Song of the Seas
With thoughts for the year pointing toward uncharted lands, I found myself remembering a place. One between so many others where one can find the almost perfect mixture of past, present and future. This is Vama Veche. An old settlement on the most Southern Romanian shores of the Black Sea, refuge from the mundane and trendy trends, heart of folk and rock music with all that a bohemian life implies . Or at least it used to be and this is what makes it the almost perfect mixture. Nowadays, hopefully at least half of its soul survives the frantic flow of modern city life. So happens that one can still have a glimpse of the ever sailing boats of fishermen, whom ignore the sounds of the city people, and set sail in a never ending quest for conquering the seas.
I wish their existence does not come true in the entirety of Walt Whitman's song of the seas and that it finds favorable wind to sail within the quoted lyrics.
O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up - for you the flag is flung - for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths - for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
Lyrics by Walt Whitman from 'O Captain! My Captain!'

Location: Vama Veche, Romania, June 2008
With thoughts for the year pointing toward uncharted lands, I found myself remembering a place. One between so many others where one can find the almost perfect mixture of past, present and future. This is Vama Veche. An old settlement on the most Southern Romanian shores of the Black Sea, refuge from the mundane and trendy trends, heart of folk and rock music with all that a bohemian life implies . Or at least it used to be and this is what makes it the almost perfect mixture. Nowadays, hopefully at least half of its soul survives the frantic flow of modern city life. So happens that one can still have a glimpse of the ever sailing boats of fishermen, whom ignore the sounds of the city people, and set sail in a never ending quest for conquering the seas.
I wish their existence does not come true in the entirety of Walt Whitman's song of the seas and that it finds favorable wind to sail within the quoted lyrics.
O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up - for you the flag is flung - for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths - for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
Lyrics by Walt Whitman from 'O Captain! My Captain!'

Location: Vama Veche, Romania, June 2008
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