With thoughts for the year pointing toward uncharted lands, I found myself remembering a place. One between so many others where one can find the almost perfect mixture of past, present and future. This is Vama Veche. An old settlement on the most Southern Romanian shores of the Black Sea, refuge from the mundane and trendy trends, heart of folk and rock music with all that a bohemian life implies . Or at least it used to be and this is what makes it the almost perfect mixture. Nowadays, hopefully at least half of its soul survives the frantic flow of modern city life. So happens that one can still have a glimpse of the ever sailing boats of fishermen, whom ignore the sounds of the city people, and set sail in a never ending quest for conquering the seas.
I wish their existence does not come true in the entirety of Walt Whitman's song of the seas and that it finds favorable wind to sail within the quoted lyrics.
O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up - for you the flag is flung - for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths - for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
Lyrics by Walt Whitman from 'O Captain! My Captain!'

Location: Vama Veche, Romania, June 2008
...here comes a tear drop; lovely times...and yet...
P.S. for a better understanding of Whitman’s words, try Google Translate; satisfaction guaranteed ;op
E tare bine ca, din cand in cand, atunci cand lumea e mai frenetica si atunci cand viata capata un accent hectic sa te opresti si sa-ti aduci aminte ca orice s-ar intampla, nimeni nu-ti va putea lua ... marea.
PS: Apucaturile(a se citi fotografia) sunt bune, talent(slava Domnului) este, mai mult ... ce sa vrei
PPS: Si daca pana acu numa' de bine ... acu sa te critic ca apare o zona mai luminata in fotografie in dreapta barcii. In rest incadrarea e buna, focusu, zic io, merge.
Io as fi incercat sa fac poza dis-de-dimineata cand rasare soarele. Pe de alta parte sunt mult prea lenes sa ma scol la ora aia, asa ca te-nteleg :)
Spor in toate!
Multumesc! :)
Criticile sunt intotdeauna binevenite si de dorit. Parte a drumului catre marea ce asteapta sa fie regasita iar si iar.
Ma recunosc vinovat. :) Sunt lenes dimineata, cu atat mai mult dupa ce-am gustat din viata boema a noptii de Vama.
Mi-am dorit sa vad pescarii in detaliu, atat cat s-a putut de pe mal. La rasarit totul se schimba mult. Ora 6-7 dimineata surprinde soarele inaltandu-se de peste valuri. Ar fi in contre-jour, joc de umbre si culoare. Hm. Astept deja cu nerabdare vara.
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